Self-storage is a great way for small businesses to boost their overall storage capacity and security. With more and more people getting involved in business, the need for extra storage space is growing — but business owners may not have enough room on-site to accommodate all of their stock. With some creative thinking and some tweaks to your usual setup, your business can make the most out of your self-storage unit and save you money in the long run. Here are some tips on how to maximise your storage space.

Factor in the Size of Your Goods

The way we measure, describe and talk about self-storage spaces might seem a little odd but it’s all relative to what you’re trying to store! To avoid any confusion, brace yourself for a few odd measurements. When we say “unit size” or “space”, this is your allocated space in the storage facility which is usually 10ft x 20ft – so you might have a 5×10 unit, a 10×20 unit and so on. As another point of reference, a 10ft x 20ft unit is equivalent to 1 “cubic” (not cubic as in champagne but as in length x width x height) feet. For example, a 10 x 20 unit is equal to 200 cubic feet.

Make the Most of Your Unit

Now it’s time to get organised! The number one rule about self-storage is that everything must be put in its place and stored neatly. This way you can keep track of everything and use the space to your advantage. It doesn’t have to be perfect but a well-organised unit will allow you to know what can fit in each corner, as it’s much easier to move smaller items around than large ones.

Make Room for Tall Items

If you have any tall or bulky items, the best place to store them is towards the ceiling. This will free up space at floor level for your smaller stock so you can keep everything well-organised and accessible. It’s always a good idea to label your boxes with their contents to ensure nothing gets lost or mixed up. For even more storage space, you can also lean larger items against the walls or at the back of your unit.

Take Advantage of Extra Features

If you have an additional mezzanine floor in your unit, you’ll find it’s a great way to store anything that will fit in there! You could place any boxes, furniture, bikes and other equipment that you don’t need at the moment but still want to keep for future use.

Keep Your Storage Unit Well-maintained

If your unit is not used often then we recommend that you air it once a month – this will maintain fresher conditions and prevent any mildew or mould from developing. You should also make a routine of checking on your unit once every few months to make sure it’s still secure and nothing has been damaged. If you’re storing any items that are on higher shelves, just use a broom handle to knock them down so they don’t get stuck or hard to reach. Make sure you don’t store anything illegal or dangerous!

Don’t Pack Your Unit to the Brim

Many people store their goods to the max to save money but it comes at a cost. If you’re always having to stack boxes, then it can become very difficult when you want something specific. Packing your unit too tightly will also increase any risks of damage or injury during a move. If you need a little more space, it will pay to get a slightly larger unit and try using some of the tips above to maximise its full potential.

Keep Stock in Smaller Containers

Large containers may seem like a great bargain for bulk storage, but they make it difficult to find the item you need when you need it. If you’re looking for a certain wire or cable, would you rather dig through a large container and risk not finding what you want in time, or open several smaller containers with ease?

Label Your Containers Clearly

This is a simple task that can save you time while also helping to keep organised down the road. Would you rather spend 15-minutes tearing every cupboard apart looking for the right wire, or simply open up one container and grab the item needed in seconds? Labelling solves both of these problems.

Consider Getting Another Small Business to Share the Space

If you outgrow your current storage space and need more room, consider renting a locker or room at a shared warehouse facility with other businesses. This is also an effective way to keep track of your inventory at all times without having it directly in your store location. Using this method, you can keep a small amount in your business location and have the rest stored at the warehouse so you always have access when you need it.

Don’t Waste Time or Money Storing Items You Don’t Need

Take a good look at your inventory and determine what you use regularly. If multiple products sit for months without being handled, consider culling the excess so you can free up space for important stock. You’ll be happier with how much room you have, and your employees will thank you for not making them dig through piles of useless items.

Make the Most of Your Self-Storage Space

One of the most important factors in self-storage is using your unit space to its full advantage. By keeping these few points in mind, you’ll be able to make sure that everything will fit and there’s still room for manoeuvres – all within a small space! Eventually, you’ll get to know the ins and outs of your unit so that you can find space for just about anything. And if not, then it might be time for an upgrade to something bigger.

And Finally…

At Prestige Storage, we have a great range of self-storage units available in many sizes – we’ve got the perfect space for your business so check out our website for more information or give us a call.